These 20 stocks have made investors $$$ profit in just about 7 months! $1000 investment could have made you rich - Stockxpo - Grow more with Investors, Traders, Analyst and Research

These 20 stocks have made investors $$$ profit in just about 7 months! $1000 investment could have made you rich

Every economic crash has a high upside potential and so this year’s March crash is not an exception. Although the travel, airlines and other major companies are yet to revive and get back on track,  many stocks actually fly after the March Crash. We have tracked many of them in our strategies that we recently started posting on every Friday since 10/09/2020. You can find it here.

Anyways, to give you a good idea, here are all the stocks that we have analyzed last week and here is our analysis on each of these. We have noticed all of these companies have made it’s investors a whooping 349%+ profit. Just so that you can easily understand the type of returns they could have provided, we are comparing them by showing you how much you could have made if you invested $1000 in this stocks on 03/18/2020 and sold them on 10/16/2020. 

You can review the following 20 stocks. Go over each of them by clicking on “next" and “prev" button below. You will be able to see the Chart for them, their respective price on March 18th, price on Oct 16th and how much the investment of $1000 could have grown to if you would have invested $1000 in them on March 18th.

This could be eye opening for many newbies, but any experience investor knows this very well. The key here is that you want to stay invested in any market condition, in order to take a good advantage of such situations. If you stay out the market, you might think that you are being safe, but you could be losing the opportunity to make a huge profit. At the same time, you don’t want to be too greedy. 

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Happy Trading!!!

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